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Tag Archives: mairead maguire
Mairead Maguire appeals to UK government to talk to Syrian Government
Another prophetic all from dear Mairead: MAIREAD MAGUIRE APPEALS TO UK GOVERNMENT TO TALK TO SYRIAN GOVERNMENT AND ISLAMIC MILITANTS IN ORDER TO HELP SOLVE MIDDLE EAST CRISIS Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire, today called upon the UK Government to … Continue reading
Mairead Maguire reports on the 2014 Peace Pilgrimage to Syria
I’ve had the privilege of joining Mairead and her team on both of her recent visits to Syria. She is an inspiring leader whose wisdom is only overshadowed by her humility. What follows is her personal report of our April 2014 mission. … Continue reading
Posted in Press Release, syrian civil war
Tagged mairead maguire, mussalaha, Mussalaha Initiative, peace mission to syria
Mairead Maguire pleads for Syria
The following remarks were made by Nobel peace laureate, Mairead Maguire, at the “Women Lead to Peace summit for Syria” in Montreux, Switzerland, which was held between January 20th and 22nd, 2014. Dear friends, The people of Syria are crying out for peace … Continue reading
Posted in Speeches, syrian civil war
Tagged Human Family, mairead maguire, Northern Ireland, syria, syrian civil war, UDHR, United Nations
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Mother Agnes nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
The nomination has been made by Nobel peace laureate Mairead Maguire of the Peace People of Ireland. Press release – 4th January, 2014 Mother Agnes Mariam of the Cross (civil name Fadia Laham) and the Mussalaha Reconciliation Initiative in Syria, has been nominated … Continue reading
Posted in Press Release, syria now
Tagged mairead maguire, Mother Agnes, mother agnes mariam, Nobel Peace Prize, syria
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Mairead Maguire commends Mother Agnes of Homs to the American people
What follows is an open letter from my friend and hero, Mairead Maguire, to the people of the USA, commending Mother Agnes Mariam’s speaking tour. I had the privilege of joining both Mairead and Mother Agnes in the Mussalaha peace … Continue reading
Posted in Press Release, syrian civil war
Tagged Father Dave, mairead maguire, Mother Agnes, Nobel Peace Laureate, USA
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Mairead Maguire: Give Peace in Syria a Chance!
More words of inspiration and strength from my friend and Captain in the Good Fight, Mairead Maguire. Every time I look at this picture of Mairead wearing my US Civil War battle hat I am reminded of the role that … Continue reading
"Arming the rebels will not help Syria" says Mairead Maguire
The following is a press release from “The Peace People” of Northern Ireland. You can find out more about their wonderful work via their website – peacepeople.com… 26th August 2013 Mairead Maguire, Nobel peace laureate, today appealed to the Rt. Hon. … Continue reading
Posted in Press Release, syrian rebels
Tagged Iraq, mairead maguire, Middle East, syria, UN
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Mairead Maguire urges the Vatican to support Non-Violence in Syria
Mairead is at the Vatican, – an Apostle for peace, taking her message to the heart of the church! Quite frankly it is said that the message of peace for Syria has to be taken to the Vatican when it … Continue reading
Posted in Press Release
Tagged Catholic Church, Father Dave, mairead maguire, syria, syrian civil war, war in syria
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Mairead Maguire talks about Syria
I have wonderful memories of travelling through Damascus with Mairead. One of most enduring was seeing Mairead finish a conversation with a Syrian girl and turn to me and say “aren’t people wonderful, Dave?” It is a simple love of … Continue reading
Posted in Media coverage, syria news
Tagged Father Dave, mairead maguire, mussalaha, syrian civil war, syrian rebels
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Mussalaha Delegation on Syrian TV
In May, 2013, I was privileged to travel to Damascus as part of an international ‘Mussalaha’ (reconciliation) delegation, let by Nobel Peace Prize winner, Mairead Maguire, and hosted by Mother Agnes Mariam. Few in the ‘western world’ see what it … Continue reading
Posted in Media coverage, syrian civil war
Tagged CNN, dr hassoun, Father Dave, mairead maguire, mother agnes mariam, mussalaha, syrian civil war, umayyad mosque
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