Tag Archives: Israel

Israel continues to attack Syria with impunity

the Israeli government continues to stage violent assaults on Syria – and all such attacks go unreported in mainline Western media Continue reading

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Israel destroys Damascus International Airport. Why is there no international outcry?

How is that the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) can launch a major attack on a International Airport – a domestic airport – and this doesn’t cause shock and horror around the world? Apparently, destroying civilian infrastructure is OK when it’s … Continue reading

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Syria has won the war! (almost)

Traditional wisdom tells us that we shouldn’t count our chickens before they hatch. Even so, it is hard to resist celebrating the most recent developments in the war on Syria. Thanks to a bit of help from mother Russia, it … Continue reading

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Those who kill in the name of God do not know God

Traditional wisdom says that a fish rots from the head down. In other words, when a government or other organisation is dysfunctional the problem can generally be traced back to those at the top. The opposite must also be true … Continue reading

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Is the violence in Syria and Iraq really sectarian?

We’ve been sold this line for a long time – that the violence raging across the Levant, most obviously in Syria and Iraq, is of a sectarian nature. It is Sunni against Shia, Muslims against fellow Muslims and non-Muslim minority … Continue reading

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Why the Syrian rebellion may soon collapse like a house of cards!

I have just returned from Syria. Over the space of a couple of days our group drove from Damascus to Lattakia to Homs and back to Damascus – all without harassment or signs of imminent violence. The contrast with my … Continue reading

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The new media spin on terrorism in Syria

Reprinted below is an extract from an excellent article by investigative journalist, Robert Parry. Parry begins by demonstrating the spin Western media put on the Iranian nuclear program. He notes that mainline media articles that refer to Israel’s fear of … Continue reading

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Al Qaeda in Syria – first we kill the FSA then the Jews and Christians!

There’s no way of knowing for sure whether this video is genuine. Even so, Al Qaeda is not an organisation run by theologians, and this is exactly sort of barbaric tribalism, posing as religion, that we would expect from the … Continue reading

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Middle East Turmoil and the Disintegration of a Nation State

The following paper by Professor Bill Stanley is as comprehensive as it is informative.  Bill covers everything from the tragedy in Syrian to the refugee problem in Lebanon to the history of Western intervention in Iran! Reading it, I am … Continue reading

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Why the Saudis want to get rid of Assad

Here’s an excellent interview with Toby Jones (professor of Middle East history at Rutgers University) shedding light on the role of the Saudis in Syria. Most of Assad’s other enemies have clear motives. Doha wants to put a natural gas pipeline … Continue reading

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