Tag Archives: US

Boxers for Peace in Syria

These light-hearted snippets from my TED Talk of 2019 recount stories from our trip to Syria earlier that year. Continue reading

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Israel continues to attack Syria with impunity

the Israeli government continues to stage violent assaults on Syria – and all such attacks go unreported in mainline Western media Continue reading

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Is the US finally getting out of Syria?

I’m pasting below an extract from Mk Bhadrakumar’s article in The Cradle,  “‘Swarming’ the US in West Asia, until it folds.” It’s the most encouraging analysis of the state in Syria that I’ve read for some years. Bhadrakumar sees US influence … Continue reading

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Biden picks up destroying Syria where Obama left off.

It’s funny how the media narrative works, with Obama and Biden depicted as relatively dovish presidents as compared with the Caligula of the US Empire – Trump. I was in Damascus with a member of the Syrian cabinet (I won’t … Continue reading

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The end of the War on Syria!

Credit where it is due – Donald Trump has done the right thing. He’s withdrawing US troops from Syria, which effectively ends the war! Today I notice that the UAE is re-opening its Syrian embassy – a sign that things will now slowly return to normal. Mind you, the response in the US has been … Continue reading

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Tulsi goes to Damascus … and the world waits

RISING Democratic Party star Tulsi Gabbard has lobbed a pigeon among the cats of the US foreign policy establishment with a secret “fact-finding” trip to Syria. The claws came out after the Hawaiian Congresswoman’s office conceded she had met  several … Continue reading

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New year blighted by old problems

As the latest ceasefire settled across Syria’s killing fields, Father Dave and several other Australians of goodwill, were in the air. He put these thoughts together as a new Damascus year struggled to kick clear of the shadows of dark … Continue reading

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Aleppo – where media ethics curled up and croaked

AS SYRIAN loyalists danced in the streets of newly-liberated Aleppo, western propaganda unleashed a chorus of anger from every shiny weapon in its high-tech arsenal. The big guns – Al Jazeera, the BBC, CNN, Fox News, even Australia’s ABC – … Continue reading

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White Helmets for dummies – the mannequin challenge

WHILE White Helmets boss, Raed Saleh, was addressing sponsors and fans in the British Parliament on November 22, his group’s latest media stunt was being panned by foes and embarrassed friends, alike. The White Helmet Mannequin Challenge video was hastily … Continue reading

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Aleppo – freedom on hold

WHY the interminable messing around about freeing the people of Aleppo from their  tormentors? Since Russian air power flew to the aid of the Syrian armed forces and their allies on the ground, it appears they have had both the capacity, and the will, … Continue reading

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