Category Archives: syria now

Boxers for Peace in Syria

These light-hearted snippets from my TED Talk of 2019 recount stories from our trip to Syria earlier that year. Continue reading

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The Criminal War on SYRIA Continues

A press release from the Syria Support Movement – 12th September, 2023 The war on Syria is no longer front-page news, but it has never ended. Currently, the United States and its allies are placing enormous pressure on the Syrian … Continue reading

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Erdogan’s plan for Aleppo

It’s often hard to know what is driving the policies of Turkish President, Recep Erdogan. Is it hatred for the Kurds, his desire to control more of Syria, or simply a general drive to amass more power for himself. Whatever … Continue reading

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The Plundering of Syria Continues.

Whenever I’m tempted to relax in the thought that God is in His Heaven and all is right with the world, I remind myself of two things – the enduring torture of Julian Assange, who continues to suffer for the … Continue reading

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It’s time for the church to stand with Syria

once again, wildfires rage across Lattakia From this distance it’s often hard to see where the Spirit of God is at work in Syria. The country seems to stagger from one crisis to the next. After a dozen years of … Continue reading

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The collateral damage of the sanctions on Syria

As Steven Sahiounie points out in his article below, the fighting in Syria has all but ended and yet Syrian refugees remain spread around the world. This is entirely the result of the US and European economic sanctions. The stated … Continue reading

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The ongoing theft of Syrian oil

Why is it only the Chinese Global Television Network (CGTN) that is covering the US theft of Syrian oil. This has been going on for years now. America has been stealing another country’s sovereign resources, yet nobody outside of China … Continue reading

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The White Helmets continue their deception in Syria

It is hard to believe that the world continues to be fooled by these people. Of course, has been the pattern since the violence against Syria began more than ten years ago. Everyone gets their news on Syria from sources … Continue reading

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Biden picks up destroying Syria where Obama left off.

It’s funny how the media narrative works, with Obama and Biden depicted as relatively dovish presidents as compared with the Caligula of the US Empire – Trump. I was in Damascus with a member of the Syrian cabinet (I won’t … Continue reading

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The end of the War on Syria!

Credit where it is due – Donald Trump has done the right thing. He’s withdrawing US troops from Syria, which effectively ends the war! Today I notice that the UAE is re-opening its Syrian embassy – a sign that things will now slowly return to normal. Mind you, the response in the US has been … Continue reading

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