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Tag Archives: USA
Australia has Syrian blood on its hands!
Up till now Australia has been trying to keep a low profile in the Syrian conflict. We do what the US tells us to do but we stay out of the front lines as far as possible, presumably because the … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syria now
Tagged Australia, Father Dave, OK, Samantha Power, syria news, syria now, syrian civil war, Uncle Sam, USA
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Mairead Maguire: “We must each do all in our power to Resist and Stop this latest drive to war!”
I’m proud to call Mairead Maguire my friend, not only because of her historic work in Northern Ireland that earned her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976, but even more so on account of the way she continues to pour … Continue reading
Posted in syria now
Tagged Iraq, ISIS, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, NATO, sryia now, syria, USA
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Syrian Christian leaders plead with the USA to stop arming the rebels!
The US policy in Syria is in tatters. Apparently John Kerry admitted as much in a recent closed-door meeting with Senators and said he would prefer giving direct military aid to the so-called ‘moderate rebels’. Meanwhile a team of Syrian … Continue reading
Posted in syrian civil war, syrian rebels
Tagged Al Qaeda, syria, Syrian Bishops, Syrian Christian, US, USA
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Presbyterians meet with Bashar Al-Assad
Last weekend a delegation from the US Presbyterian Church meet with Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad, during their week-long visit to Syria where they linked up with various partner churches and monitored work carried out by their own aid agencies. It … Continue reading
Posted in Press Release, syria news, syrian civil war
Tagged PC, Presbyterian Church, syria, Syrian President, USA
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World Council of Churches calls for an end to violence in Syria
It is a shame that the church has no formal involvement in Geneva II. We take it for granted that the big decisions about Syria’s future are going to be made by the political power-players – most specifically by the … Continue reading
Mairead Maguire commends Mother Agnes of Homs to the American people
What follows is an open letter from my friend and hero, Mairead Maguire, to the people of the USA, commending Mother Agnes Mariam’s speaking tour. I had the privilege of joining both Mairead and Mother Agnes in the Mussalaha peace … Continue reading
Posted in Press Release, syrian civil war
Tagged Father Dave, mairead maguire, Mother Agnes, Nobel Peace Laureate, USA
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Are the Saudis behind the Syrian Chemical Weapons attacks?
This is an important piece of investigative journalism by Dale Gavlak and Yahya Ababneh. Whereas so many of the explanations that have been offered to explain the chemical attacks in Ghouta have been put forward by armchair theorists if not propagandists, … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria news, syrian rebels
Tagged Dale Gavlak, EXCLUSIVE, ghouta, Jordan, Saudi Prince Bandar, syrian chemical attacks, syrian rebels, USA
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