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Category Archives: Media coverage
What the media is NOT telling you about Syria!
This is a polished and informative presentation from Ben Swann of the ‘truth in media’ project. I don’t know who Ben Swann is. Perhaps he has a dark side? Even so, his stated goal of bringing truth back into the … Continue reading
Posted in Media coverage, syrian rebels
Tagged al quaeda, Ben Swann, Father Dave, free syrian army, Jabhat al-Nusra, obama, syrian rebels
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US-backed rebels massacre more minorities in Syria
Another massacre by Obama’s rebel troops! The soldiers in the video are from Kuwait, and they urge their fellow countrymen to do right by their God and join in the slaughter of Syrian Shiites. Personally, the only thing I find … Continue reading
Posted in Article, Media coverage, syrian rebels
Tagged Europe, Hatlah, hezbollah, Kuwait, syria, syrian civil war, syrian rebels, US
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Obama shows his true colours by arming Syrian rebels
When I think back to 2009 when Barrack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize … it all seems like a sick joke now! Obama’s decision to fuel the fire in Syria by arming the rebels, and so prolong the … Continue reading
Posted in Media coverage, syrian rebels
Tagged Canada, clare daly, Middle Eastern, obama in ireland, syria, syrian civil war, syrian rebels
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Mussalaha Delegation on Syrian TV
In May, 2013, I was privileged to travel to Damascus as part of an international ‘Mussalaha’ (reconciliation) delegation, let by Nobel Peace Prize winner, Mairead Maguire, and hosted by Mother Agnes Mariam. Few in the ‘western world’ see what it … Continue reading
Posted in Media coverage, syrian civil war
Tagged CNN, dr hassoun, Father Dave, mairead maguire, mother agnes mariam, mussalaha, syrian civil war, umayyad mosque
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