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Category Archives: syria now
The ongoing theft of Syrian oil
Why is it only the Chinese Global Television Network (CGTN) that is covering the US theft of Syrian oil. This has been going on for years now. America has been stealing another country’s sovereign resources, yet nobody outside of China … Continue reading
The White Helmets continue their deception in Syria
It is hard to believe that the world continues to be fooled by these people. Of course, has been the pattern since the violence against Syria began more than ten years ago. Everyone gets their news on Syria from sources … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria now, Uncategorized
Tagged Aleppo, Father Dave, Vanessa Beeley, White Helmets
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Biden picks up destroying Syria where Obama left off.
It’s funny how the media narrative works, with Obama and Biden depicted as relatively dovish presidents as compared with the Caligula of the US Empire – Trump. I was in Damascus with a member of the Syrian cabinet (I won’t … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syria now
Tagged biden, Iran, Iraq, Middle East, United States, US
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The end of the War on Syria!
Credit where it is due – Donald Trump has done the right thing. He’s withdrawing US troops from Syria, which effectively ends the war! Today I notice that the UAE is re-opening its Syrian embassy – a sign that things will now slowly return to normal. Mind you, the response in the US has been … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria now
Tagged Chandra Muzaffar, Donald Trump, Father Dave, US, war
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Fathers – don’t let your daughters grow up to be women
FATHERS in Eastern Aleppo are asking religious scholars if it is cool to kill their daughters before they are “captured and raped by Assad, Hezbollah, and Iranian militias”, Middle East Monitors reports. The publication, sometimes accused of links with the … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria news, syria now, syrian civil war
Tagged Aleppo, bashar al-assad, Iran, jihadis Robert Fisk, Marie Claire, News Corp, syria, Vladimir Putin, war propaganda, Yemen
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Al sham – the name says it all
WHEN are the lads from Al-Qaeda not such a bad lot, after all? When they are having a crack at the Middle East’s last remaining secular government, it seems. That’s right, Al Qaeda – the mob who flew into the … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria news, syria now, syrian civil war, syrian rebels, Uncategorized
Tagged Al Qaeda, Al Queada, al-Nusra, Aleppo, CIA, DAMASCUS, Iraq, ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra, Mosul, Nusra Front, syria, Syrian Government, US
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Australia has Syrian blood on its hands!
Up till now Australia has been trying to keep a low profile in the Syrian conflict. We do what the US tells us to do but we stay out of the front lines as far as possible, presumably because the … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syria now
Tagged Australia, Father Dave, OK, Samantha Power, syria news, syria now, syrian civil war, Uncle Sam, USA
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Pope Francis calls for peace in Syria
“How can you believe in someone who caresses you with the right hand and strikes you with the left hand?” These are the powerful and pointed words of one of the greatest spiritual leaders the church has seen in my … Continue reading
Posted in Press Release, syria news, syria now
Tagged Father Dave, pope francis, Pope Francis March, saudi arabia, syria, syria news, syrian civil war, Vatican City
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Archbishop calls on Sydney’s Anglicans to do whatever it takes to support Syrian refugees
It is encouraging indeed to see the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, put out a strong call to his flock to respond not only with prayers but with practical assistance and with hospitality to the anticipated influx of … Continue reading
Mairead Maguire appeals to UK government to talk to Syrian Government
Another prophetic all from dear Mairead: MAIREAD MAGUIRE APPEALS TO UK GOVERNMENT TO TALK TO SYRIAN GOVERNMENT AND ISLAMIC MILITANTS IN ORDER TO HELP SOLVE MIDDLE EAST CRISIS Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire, today called upon the UK Government to … Continue reading