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Category Archives: syria now
Those who kill in the name of God do not know God
Traditional wisdom says that a fish rots from the head down. In other words, when a government or other organisation is dysfunctional the problem can generally be traced back to those at the top. The opposite must also be true … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syria now
Tagged Apostle John, Dr Ahmad Badr Al-Din Hassoun, dr hassoun, grand mufti of syria, ISIS, Islamic State, Israel, Mordechai Vanunu, syria, takfiri
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Mairead Maguire: “We must each do all in our power to Resist and Stop this latest drive to war!”
I’m proud to call Mairead Maguire my friend, not only because of her historic work in Northern Ireland that earned her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976, but even more so on account of the way she continues to pour … Continue reading
Posted in syria now
Tagged Iraq, ISIS, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, NATO, sryia now, syria, USA
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Jon Stewart parodies Obama's war on 'Islamic State'
This is a powerful mixture of insight and humour from Jon Stewart, though the way he frames the parody does concern me. Stewart rails against Obama’s ‘Team America’ pitch in selling another Middle Eastern war with a view to questioning … Continue reading
Posted in syria map, syria now
Tagged Jon Stewart, Middle Eastern, Mr Obama, Obama Team America, syria now, US, war on ISIS
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Supporting Syria – an address by Father Dave
An address given at the Imam Husain Islamic Centre on July 25th, 2014 It is hard to know how to talk about Syria as there are really two entirely different and competing narratives about Syria, and how you understand the … Continue reading
Posted in Speeches, syria news, syria now, syrian civil war
Tagged bashar al-assad, Jabhat al-Nusra, syria, syrian army, syrian civil war, syrian rebels
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Iraq, ISIS and Syria – what’s going on?!
So many crazy things are happening in the hell that is flowing from Syria into Iraq at the moment that it’s hard to know what is going on. As Christians we need to make a meaningful response to all this bloodshed … Continue reading
Boxing in the streets of Syria
It’s been a long time in production but here it is – the video that I’ve been yearning to share with you since returning from our peace mission: “Boxing in the Streets of Syria” My plan is to use this video … Continue reading
World Council of Churches calls for an end to violence in Syria
It is a shame that the church has no formal involvement in Geneva II. We take it for granted that the big decisions about Syria’s future are going to be made by the political power-players – most specifically by the … Continue reading
The Patriarch prays for the success of Geneva II
What follows is the statement given by the Melkite Patriarch of Lebanon and Syria – His Beatitude Patriarch Gregorios III – on the eve of the Geneva 2 Conference. The Patriarch is (amongst other things) Mother Agnes’ boss. On the … Continue reading
Posted in Speeches, syria news, syria now
Tagged China, Christmas Feast, Germany, Lebanon, Melkite Patriarch, Patriarch Gregorios, syria
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Mother Agnes nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
The nomination has been made by Nobel peace laureate Mairead Maguire of the Peace People of Ireland. Press release – 4th January, 2014 Mother Agnes Mariam of the Cross (civil name Fadia Laham) and the Mussalaha Reconciliation Initiative in Syria, has been nominated … Continue reading
Posted in Press Release, syria now
Tagged mairead maguire, Mother Agnes, mother agnes mariam, Nobel Peace Prize, syria
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Confessions Of A Syrian Activist: “I Want Assad To Win”
It is impossible to know for sure whether this particular account is genuine but indeed it reflects reality on the ground in Syria today. Indeed there may have been many who joined the FSA for the sake of a better … Continue reading