Tag Archives: syrian rebels

Mairead Maguire talks about Syria

I have wonderful memories of travelling through Damascus with Mairead. One of most enduring was seeing Mairead finish a conversation with a Syrian girl and turn to me and say “aren’t people wonderful, Dave?” It is a simple love of … Continue reading

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What the media is NOT telling you about Syria!

This is a polished and informative presentation from Ben Swann of the ‘truth in media’ project. I don’t know who Ben Swann is. Perhaps he has a dark side? Even so, his stated goal of bringing truth back into the … Continue reading

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The monastery of Mother Agnes of Homs is under attack!

For those who write off Mother Agnes Mariam (pictured below in Beirut between myself and Mairead Maguire) as a pro-regime stooge, it’s worth noting that her monastery has been attacked by government forces. A total of 21 missiles have been … Continue reading

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Australia cuts off support for Syrian rebels!

Not only does Australia have a new Prime Minister, but now it’s taken a new stance on the Syrian conflict by  listing Jabhat al-Nusra as a terrorist organisation. This is a bold move by the Australian government, and one that puts … Continue reading

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Could Barrack Obama be impeached over Syria?

This article from New American hits the nail on the head. Obama’s commitment to arm the Syrian rebels is not only immoral and suicidal. It is illegal! It is encouraging both to see vigorous opposition within the US Congress to … Continue reading

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Is the US pledge of support for Syrian Rebels was just hot air?

This article echoes what the most knowledgeable people I know are saying – that all the saber-rattling at Doha’s recent ‘Friends of Syria’ gathering was just a lot of noise. The US can’t afford to arm the Syrian rebels – … Continue reading

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US-backed rebels massacre more minorities in Syria

Another massacre by Obama’s rebel troops!  The soldiers in the video are from Kuwait, and they urge their fellow countrymen to do right by their God and join in the slaughter of Syrian Shiites. Personally, the only thing I find … Continue reading

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Obama shows his true colours by arming Syrian rebels

When I think back to 2009 when Barrack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize … it all seems like a sick joke now! Obama’s decision to fuel the fire in Syria by arming the rebels, and so prolong the … Continue reading

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Why the Assad victory at al-Qusayr changed everything!

It’s been almost a fortnight since Syrian government forces won a major victory at al-Qusayr. As Franklin Lamb’s analysis makes clear, the victory was a ‘game-changer’. Unfortunately for the Syrian people, it seems that this battle does not herald the … Continue reading

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Ron Paul tells Obama to get his hands off Syria!

I am not an unqualified supporter of Ron Paul but when it comes to US foreign policy he tells it like it is! Mind you, Paul is guarded in his criticism of Israel and he gives scant attention to what … Continue reading

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