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Tag Archives: United States
Biden picks up destroying Syria where Obama left off.
It’s funny how the media narrative works, with Obama and Biden depicted as relatively dovish presidents as compared with the Caligula of the US Empire – Trump. I was in Damascus with a member of the Syrian cabinet (I won’t … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syria now
Tagged biden, Iran, Iraq, Middle East, United States, US
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Why sanction the First Lady of Syria?
Phil Giraldi is spot on. It makes no sense to sanction Asma al-Assad. In truth though, none of the sanctions against Syria are justifiable. I remember when I was there last year, talking to a woman who worked with kids … Continue reading
Propaganda and the ABC of war
By road, it is 626km from Mosul, Iraq, to Aleppo in Syria – the same distance, give or take a quick detour to pick up a kebab, as Sydney to Grafton in northern New South Wales. Makes you wonder why … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria news, syrian civil war
Tagged ABC, Aleppo, BBC, Grafton, Invisible Government War, Iraq, John Pilger, media bias, Middle Eastern, Mosul, NSW, Sydney, syria, United States, war
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Geneva II – the U.S. agenda is laid bare!
At last Geneva II is underway – not in ideal circumstances and not with everybody in attendance, but underway nonetheless. Most reports on the conference thus far have been stressing the anger and acrimony being displayed by speakers. This is … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syrian civil war
Tagged bashar al-assad, Father Dave, Iran, john kerry, syria, syrian civil war, United States
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Who benefits from endless war in Syria?
This is an excellent article by Kourosh Ziabari, not because it necessarily has all the answers, but because it asks some very important questions! The first question he asks is one I really hadn’t considered properly before. What is it that … Continue reading
Posted in syria now, syrian civil war
Tagged Bahrain, Father Dave, President Assad, syria, syrian civil war, United States, Yemen
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Mairead Maguire: Give Peace in Syria a Chance!
More words of inspiration and strength from my friend and Captain in the Good Fight, Mairead Maguire. Every time I look at this picture of Mairead wearing my US Civil War battle hat I am reminded of the role that … Continue reading