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Author Archives: fatherdave
The collateral damage of the sanctions on Syria
As Steven Sahiounie points out in his article below, the fighting in Syria has all but ended and yet Syrian refugees remain spread around the world. This is entirely the result of the US and European economic sanctions. The stated … Continue reading
The ongoing theft of Syrian oil
Why is it only the Chinese Global Television Network (CGTN) that is covering the US theft of Syrian oil. This has been going on for years now. America has been stealing another country’s sovereign resources, yet nobody outside of China … Continue reading
Another term for Erdogan! Good news or bad news for Syria?
Another term for Recep Erdogan in Turkey. Is it good news or bad news for Syria? To my reckoning, Erdogan is a war-criminal who has brought misery and death to countless Syrian people over the last twelve years. He worked alongside … Continue reading
The White Helmets continue their deception in Syria
It is hard to believe that the world continues to be fooled by these people. Of course, has been the pattern since the violence against Syria began more than ten years ago. Everyone gets their news on Syria from sources … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria now, Uncategorized
Tagged Aleppo, Father Dave, Vanessa Beeley, White Helmets
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A new beginning for Syria?
I pray every day for the restoration of Syria. Specifically, I pray for an end to the crippling sanctions and to the theft of Syrian oil by the US, and for the departure of foreign troops. It seems that all … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria news, Uncategorized
Tagged Al Qaeda, Aleppo, Syrian President Bashar, Turkey
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Lift Sanctions against Syria
This appeal comes from my friend, Dr Chandra Muzaffar, the president of the International Movement for a Just World based in Kuala Lumper, Malaysia. The International Movement for a Just World (JUST) urges the American, British, Australian, Canadian, Swiss and some … Continue reading
Posted in Press Release, syria news
Tagged Dr Chandra Muzaffar, syria, syria news, syria sanctions
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Are the Saudis really going to support Syria?!
I had resigned myself to never having a nice word to say about the house of Saud. Even so, the recent initiatives taken by the Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) seem to be genuinely progressive. He even seems to … Continue reading
Israel destroys Damascus International Airport. Why is there no international outcry?
How is that the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) can launch a major attack on a International Airport – a domestic airport – and this doesn’t cause shock and horror around the world? Apparently, destroying civilian infrastructure is OK when it’s … Continue reading
I commend to you this excellent article by my friend, Dr Chandra Muzaffar – the president of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) and a thoroughly decent human being. Dr Muzaffar tells it like it is. There never … Continue reading
Biden picks up destroying Syria where Obama left off.
It’s funny how the media narrative works, with Obama and Biden depicted as relatively dovish presidents as compared with the Caligula of the US Empire – Trump. I was in Damascus with a member of the Syrian cabinet (I won’t … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syria now
Tagged biden, Iran, Iraq, Middle East, United States, US
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