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Tag Archives: Iraq
Biden picks up destroying Syria where Obama left off.
It’s funny how the media narrative works, with Obama and Biden depicted as relatively dovish presidents as compared with the Caligula of the US Empire – Trump. I was in Damascus with a member of the Syrian cabinet (I won’t … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syria now
Tagged biden, Iran, Iraq, Middle East, United States, US
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The Gassing Game in Syria: Regime Change and Beyond
This excellent analysis of the latest crisis in Syria is penned by my friend, Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, President of the International Movement for a Just World. Father Dave THE GASSING GAME IN SYRIA: REGIME CHANGE AND BEYOND By Chandra Muzaffar … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syrian rebels
Tagged Chandra Muzaffar, Dr Chandra Muzaffar, Father Dave, Iraq, Russia, Security Council, Sheikhun, syria, syria gas attacks, war
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Media turns its guns on Syria
In war, truth is the first casualty THE QUOTE above is generally attributed to a Greek bloke called Aeschylus, a dramatist churning out blockbusters a good 500 years before Jesus Christ walked the earth. In the American age, however, … Continue reading
Al sham – the name says it all
WHEN are the lads from Al-Qaeda not such a bad lot, after all? When they are having a crack at the Middle East’s last remaining secular government, it seems. That’s right, Al Qaeda – the mob who flew into the … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria news, syria now, syrian civil war, syrian rebels, Uncategorized
Tagged Al Qaeda, Al Queada, al-Nusra, Aleppo, CIA, DAMASCUS, Iraq, ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra, Mosul, Nusra Front, syria, Syrian Government, US
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Chemical weapons, George the 2nd and pork pies
AS liberation battles gather pace in Aleppo and Mosul propagandists continue to muddy the waters. While the resistance to fundamentalist Islam in Iraq is hailed a fight for freedom by western media outlets, many of those mastheads pour scorn on … Continue reading
Posted in Article, Uncategorized
Tagged Abu Ghraib, Aleppo, Daesh Islamic State, George Bush, Global Research Publishers, Iraq, Prof Anderson, syria, war
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Propaganda and the ABC of war
By road, it is 626km from Mosul, Iraq, to Aleppo in Syria – the same distance, give or take a quick detour to pick up a kebab, as Sydney to Grafton in northern New South Wales. Makes you wonder why … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria news, syrian civil war
Tagged ABC, Aleppo, BBC, Grafton, Invisible Government War, Iraq, John Pilger, media bias, Middle Eastern, Mosul, NSW, Sydney, syria, United States, war
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War is first and foremost a profitable racket
Follow the money – as Hillary Clinton and the US foreign policy establishment prepare for war against Syria, former Congressman Dennis Kucinich says observers should apply the golden rule. The former Ohio Representative said he spent 16 years at congressional hearings where “pedigreed experts” advocated for wars … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Al Queada Syrian, Hillary Clinton, Iraq, Sergey Ryabkov, US
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Mairead Maguire appeals to UK government to talk to Syrian Government
Another prophetic all from dear Mairead: MAIREAD MAGUIRE APPEALS TO UK GOVERNMENT TO TALK TO SYRIAN GOVERNMENT AND ISLAMIC MILITANTS IN ORDER TO HELP SOLVE MIDDLE EAST CRISIS Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire, today called upon the UK Government to … Continue reading
Declassified documents expose US support for ISIS and nobody cares!
The Western narrative used to justify the destruction of Syria looks increasingly brittle and self-contradictory as it evolves with time. This latest batch of declassified documents expose US hypocrisy on two important issues: Firstly, contrary to all official US pronouncements, it … Continue reading