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Category Archives: syria news
Fathers – don’t let your daughters grow up to be women
FATHERS in Eastern Aleppo are asking religious scholars if it is cool to kill their daughters before they are “captured and raped by Assad, Hezbollah, and Iranian militias”, Middle East Monitors reports. The publication, sometimes accused of links with the … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria news, syria now, syrian civil war
Tagged Aleppo, bashar al-assad, Iran, jihadis Robert Fisk, Marie Claire, News Corp, syria, Vladimir Putin, war propaganda, Yemen
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Aleppo – where media ethics curled up and croaked
AS SYRIAN loyalists danced in the streets of newly-liberated Aleppo, western propaganda unleashed a chorus of anger from every shiny weapon in its high-tech arsenal. The big guns – Al Jazeera, the BBC, CNN, Fox News, even Australia’s ABC – … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syrian civil war
Tagged ABC, Al Jazeera, Aleppo, BBC, CNN, Fox News, France, Global Research, Jabhat Fateh, syria, Syrian Arab Army, the West, US, war
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Rebel, rebel – how couldn’t they know?
SUDDENLY, late in the Syrian day, one mainstream western news outlet is taking baby steps towards honouring the claim in its title. The Independent’s Robert Fisk has joined colleague, Patrick Cockburn, in calling bullshit on key elements of the propaganda … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria news, syrian civil war, syrian rebels, Uncategorized
Tagged Al Qaeda, Aleppo, Jabhat al-Nusra, Middle East, Patrick Cockburn, Robert Fisk, SUDDENLY, syria, The Independent, war
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Media turns its guns on Syria
In war, truth is the first casualty THE QUOTE above is generally attributed to a Greek bloke called Aeschylus, a dramatist churning out blockbusters a good 500 years before Jesus Christ walked the earth. In the American age, however, … Continue reading
White Helmets for dummies – the mannequin challenge
WHILE White Helmets boss, Raed Saleh, was addressing sponsors and fans in the British Parliament on November 22, his group’s latest media stunt was being panned by foes and embarrassed friends, alike. The White Helmet Mannequin Challenge video was hastily … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syrian civil war
Tagged Aleppo, Cross Talk, DAESH, Leading British, Mannequin Challenge, RFS, syria, US, White Helmet, White Helmets
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Aleppo – freedom on hold
WHY the interminable messing around about freeing the people of Aleppo from their tormentors? Since Russian air power flew to the aid of the Syrian armed forces and their allies on the ground, it appears they have had both the capacity, and the will, … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syrian civil war, Uncategorized
Tagged Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda Syrian, Aleppo, Euphrates River, Euphrates Zelidar, Gulf States, Raqqa, syria, US, US policy
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Al sham – the name says it all
WHEN are the lads from Al-Qaeda not such a bad lot, after all? When they are having a crack at the Middle East’s last remaining secular government, it seems. That’s right, Al Qaeda – the mob who flew into the … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria news, syria now, syrian civil war, syrian rebels, Uncategorized
Tagged Al Qaeda, Al Queada, al-Nusra, Aleppo, CIA, DAMASCUS, Iraq, ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra, Mosul, Nusra Front, syria, Syrian Government, US
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Propaganda and the ABC of war
By road, it is 626km from Mosul, Iraq, to Aleppo in Syria – the same distance, give or take a quick detour to pick up a kebab, as Sydney to Grafton in northern New South Wales. Makes you wonder why … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria news, syrian civil war
Tagged ABC, Aleppo, BBC, Grafton, Invisible Government War, Iraq, John Pilger, media bias, Middle Eastern, Mosul, NSW, Sydney, syria, United States, war
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