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Tag Archives: war
I commend to you this excellent article by my friend, Dr Chandra Muzaffar – the president of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) and a thoroughly decent human being. Dr Muzaffar tells it like it is. There never … Continue reading
Why sanction the First Lady of Syria?
Phil Giraldi is spot on. It makes no sense to sanction Asma al-Assad. In truth though, none of the sanctions against Syria are justifiable. I remember when I was there last year, talking to a woman who worked with kids … Continue reading
The end of the War on Syria!
Credit where it is due – Donald Trump has done the right thing. He’s withdrawing US troops from Syria, which effectively ends the war! Today I notice that the UAE is re-opening its Syrian embassy – a sign that things will now slowly return to normal. Mind you, the response in the US has been … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria now
Tagged Chandra Muzaffar, Donald Trump, Father Dave, US, war
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The Gassing Game in Syria: Regime Change and Beyond
This excellent analysis of the latest crisis in Syria is penned by my friend, Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, President of the International Movement for a Just World. Father Dave THE GASSING GAME IN SYRIA: REGIME CHANGE AND BEYOND By Chandra Muzaffar … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syrian rebels
Tagged Chandra Muzaffar, Dr Chandra Muzaffar, Father Dave, Iraq, Russia, Security Council, Sheikhun, syria, syria gas attacks, war
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Beyond tolerance – Syria as a model for religious integration and harmony
Father Dave has just returned from a moving visit to war-ravaged Syria. One of the hard lessons he learned is that, in the face of aggressive, ‘takfiri’ Islam, Australians might need to rethink their attitudes to religious tolerance. DIVINE Service … Continue reading
Posted in Article, Uncategorized
Tagged Australia, Father Toufic, Grand Mufti, Greek Orthodox, Maaloula, religious tolerance, SAA, saudi arabia, syria, Syrian Arab Army, ta, tafkiri, takfiri, war
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New year blighted by old problems
As the latest ceasefire settled across Syria’s killing fields, Father Dave and several other Australians of goodwill, were in the air. He put these thoughts together as a new Damascus year struggled to kick clear of the shadows of dark … Continue reading
Aleppo – where media ethics curled up and croaked
AS SYRIAN loyalists danced in the streets of newly-liberated Aleppo, western propaganda unleashed a chorus of anger from every shiny weapon in its high-tech arsenal. The big guns – Al Jazeera, the BBC, CNN, Fox News, even Australia’s ABC – … Continue reading
Posted in syria news, syrian civil war
Tagged ABC, Al Jazeera, Aleppo, BBC, CNN, Fox News, France, Global Research, Jabhat Fateh, syria, Syrian Arab Army, the West, US, war
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Rebel, rebel – how couldn’t they know?
SUDDENLY, late in the Syrian day, one mainstream western news outlet is taking baby steps towards honouring the claim in its title. The Independent’s Robert Fisk has joined colleague, Patrick Cockburn, in calling bullshit on key elements of the propaganda … Continue reading
Posted in Article, syria news, syrian civil war, syrian rebels, Uncategorized
Tagged Al Qaeda, Aleppo, Jabhat al-Nusra, Middle East, Patrick Cockburn, Robert Fisk, SUDDENLY, syria, The Independent, war
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Media turns its guns on Syria
In war, truth is the first casualty THE QUOTE above is generally attributed to a Greek bloke called Aeschylus, a dramatist churning out blockbusters a good 500 years before Jesus Christ walked the earth. In the American age, however, … Continue reading